SY Dog Star

A family sailing the Pacific

Coral at Ilot Maitre

Hey everybody!

We have arrived in New Caledonia! Woohoo!

Yesterday we decided to go to an island called Ilot Maitre that was surrounded by coral.

We all went snorkelling and swam around the coral.
I made a short clip of what it was like and here it is!


  1. Fantastic video ! Thank you Iris, you did a good job ! How lucky you are. I was told many years ago by a friend who spent several years in Nouméa, that she enjoyed going to “l’île aux Pins” .
    Have a good time in New Calediona.
    Love to you Xxx

    • Hey Monique!

      Thanks for commenting on my blog post!
      We are actually going to the Isle of Pines soon! Everyone says that it is really cool, so we decided to add that to our quest map!

      Iris 🙂 xxx

    • Hey Monique!

      Thanks for commenting on my blog post!
      We are actually going to the Isle of Pines soon! Everyone says that it is really cool, so we decided to add that to our quest map!

      Iris 🙂 xxx

  2. Awesome video Iris! My favourite bit was the big blue lips on the giant clam. xxx

  3. Iris

    You have discovered yet another new world .. an underwater Pacific one! Do you have a favourite species? I was very interested in the stag horn coral.

    It seems that everything under the sea around New Caledonia is in really good health.

    I liked the turquoise fish.

    Please keep up the videos .. They are significant for those who have not had your experience. Thank you.

    Lots of love

    Granny Bardsley xxx

  4. Barbara Totten

    June 10, 2018 at 12:43 am

    Hi iris… what a great film…the water looks so clear…beautiful and so much to see. I once snorkled on the Great Barrier Reef and was stunned by the colours. . How did you find the sail? Was it what you expected? I hope we can have a chat next time I talk to daddy. Oh and I loved the dress you sent Evie.. that was so thoughtful of you. Talk soon my sweetie. Love Granny Bxxx

  5. That was a pretty awesome video. I’m impressed that you were able to identify so many of the fish & other things you saw. Love Aunty S

  6. Salut Iris. Ton film est magnifique! Tu es tres doue, tu sais?
    Comment ca va en Nouvelle Caledonie?
    Ici il fait tres froid. On est si jaloux de ton voyage aux tropiques.
    Desolee pour la manque d’accents dans ce message.
    Nous esperons que tu manges des pains au chocolat tous les jours!!
    Jen, Will, Frida et Sylvie.

  7. Christine Blair

    June 12, 2018 at 6:30 pm

    Bonjour Iris, we really enjoyed watching your underwater video. Well done! I wonder if you have Niue Island on your quest map. You would really like snorkeling there too as the visibility on the rock shelf is amazing and the sea life is very colourful and prolific there too although I didn’t see a giant blue lipped clam! Love Aunty Christine xx

  8. Imogen Wheatley

    June 24, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    Hi Iris
    It’s Imogen here. How’s it going? Wow it’s so beautiful and clear. The water must be so warm. There are so many beautiful bits of coral and fish.
    How’s homeschooling going for you? I have been reading your post cards at school. Last time I read your card you were learning your times table. Yay. School is going well for me. I’m doing lots of fun and interesting work. I am going on year 8 camp soon and I am so excited. I can not wait.
    I hope you’re well. Please keep me up to date.
    Wow, New Calaedonia must be so much fun – experiencing new things, going on cool adventures… Awesome.
    Imogen XXX

    • Iris Marshall

      June 28, 2018 at 12:28 pm

      Hey Imogen!

      It’s really good to hear that you got my postcards! I thought that they wouldn’t make it.

      Homeschooling is really fun and I am just writing a recount for the school journal. one of Mum’s friends from school is the editor and offered me a job! I will give you the particular school journal link when it is published!

      I hope you have fun on year 8 camp! Where are you going?

      I have recently published another blog post if you would like to see it! It’s about nautilus’s.

      See you in November (that’s when I’m coming home)!

      Iris 🙂

  9. Hi its mindy loved the vid and its good to see that your enjoying the boat?.

    • Iris Marshall

      June 28, 2018 at 12:32 pm

      Hey Mindy!

      Thanks for leaving a comment!
      I miss you!
      I have recently posted another post about nautilus’s that I think you will like!
      See you in November!!

      Iris 🙂
      Btw, My computer isn’t working (sry) so Steam will b offline for a bit.

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